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 Strategic Consulting & Audits

Transform insights into actions to dominate your market.

Femme avec une couronne et un regard intense

Define your vision, chart your path to excellence.

In a world where competition is fierce and markets are constantly evolving, having a solid strategic plan is the condition for success. lights your path with strategic consultations and audits that identify precisely where and how you can stand out. Our expertise transforms challenges into personalized action plans, guiding you towards excellence and ensuring sustainable growth for your business.

United in effort, victorious in action.

At, strategic consulting and audits are thought of as a true partnership. We immerse ourselves in your world to offer precise insights and strategic solutions adapted to your reality. Our promise? Close support, unfailing availability and a commitment to your side to navigate towards success together, adapting our recommendations to the evolution of your market and your needs.

Echéquier en pleine partie

Areas of expertise :

  • Digitalization of the Company

  • Marketing Content Strategy

  • Website SEO Optimization

  • Online Reputation Management

Digitalization and Online Presence

  • Data Analysis and Insights

  • Competitive Audit

  • Customer Experience (CX) Audit

Analysis and Optimization

  • Brand Strategy

  • Strategic planning

  • Multichannel Strategy

  • Growth Marketing

Business Strategy and Planning

  • Product Strategy

Innovation and Products

  • Organization of the Sales Department

  • Organization of the Marketing Department

  • Internal Communication Strategy

  • Personal Branding Strategy for Managers

Organization and Internal Development

Everything We Do To Plan For Your Success.

  • Get a comprehensive and nuanced assessment of your current positioning in the competitive landscape. Our analysis not only reveals strengths and weaknesses, but also identifies unexplored strategic opportunities, laying the foundation for insight-driven transformation for sustainable competitive advantage.

  • Receive fully personalized strategic recommendations, crafted to perfectly align with your business ambitions. We combine rigorous analysis and creativity to design innovative strategies that catalyze growth, innovation, and differentiate you in your market.

  • Benefit from expert support at every stage of your strategy implementation, ensuring not only flawless execution but also the adaptability to overcome unforeseen circumstances. We work together with your teams to transform strategic plans into tangible and measurable results.

  • Our rigorous approach to evaluating results goes beyond simple performance analysis. We provide actionable insights and strategic recommendations for continuous improvement, helping you refine your efforts to maximize ROI.

  • Our training courses get to the heart of your specific needs, strengthening your team's skills in key areas. With a focus on practical application, we prepare your staff to effectively contribute to the growth and innovation of your business.

  • We reinvent your operational processes to unlock maximum efficiency, reducing waste and costs while improving customer satisfaction. Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your business contributes positively to your overall goals.

  • Faced with complex strategic decisions, benefit from our expertise to inform your choices. We provide you with advice based on in-depth analysis, allowing you to make informed decisions that align your strategic actions with your long-term objectives.

  • Access cutting-edge expertise in areas critical to your business. Whether to overcome specific challenges or exploit unique opportunities, our team provides innovative and adapted solutions, strengthening your positioning and competitiveness.

  • Our commitment goes beyond simple recommendations. We establish a true partnership relationship, offering transparent communication and availability tailored to your needs. This close partnership ensures that we are always listening to you and ready to step in to support your ambitions at every stage.

Fairness and transparency

Our commitment to a clear pricing policy with no surprises.




First Free Strategic Consultation

Without engagement.

They trust us and they want to tell you that.

Discover authentic testimonials of our success.

"L'expertise de a été capitale pour le succès fulgurant de notre lancement. Leur travail sur notre logo et notre charte graphique a capturé l'essence de 2BYAV, touchant le cœur de notre audience. Grâce à eux, nous avons atteint notre capacité maximale en moins d'un mois !"

Michael Levy

2BYAV, Micro-crèche

"Le développement d'une application IA par a été une étape majeure pour nous. Leur travail sur notre site web et notre image de marque a également été exceptionnel. Leur expertise technologique et créative est inégalée."

Steeve Mercier

CeeVee360, IA d'aide à l'emploi

"Leur gestion experte de nos campagnes LinkedIn et l'animation de notre page ont grandement augmenté notre visibilité. La refonte de notre site web et leurs conseils ont transformé notre entreprise. Un partenaire inestimable pour notre transition digitale !"

Franck Allali

UFER, Recouvrement

"La collaboration avec l'équipe a été un tournant pour notre académie. Leur expertise dans la création de site web, l'acquisition de leads et le branding a propulsé notre présence en ligne et a enrichi notre image de marque. Des résultats impressionnants !"

David Perrier

Ecommerce Academie, Centre de formation

" a créé pour nous un site e-commerce à la fois élégant et fonctionnel, qui a véritablement stimulé nos ventes en ligne. Leur compréhension de nos besoins et leur approche personnalisée ont été cruciales pour notre succès."

Cyril Melki

Tzilum Razi, Boutique de photos

"L'équipe de a été essentielle dans le développement de nos contenus e-learning. Leur consulting pédagogique et leur capacité à générer des leads qualifiés nous ont aidés à élargir notre clientèle et à améliorer notre offre de formation."

Rudy Sebban

1Clic Formation, Organisme de formation

" a non seulement conçu un site web magnifique pour notre galerie d'art, mais a aussi magnifiquement travaillé notre branding. Leur sens artistique et leur compréhension de notre vision ont été remarquables."

Julie Leroy, POD Intelligence Artificielle

Don't Let Inaction Threaten Your Future

Inaction or lack of strategy can quickly turn a successful business into a declining entity. Without a clear vision and an adaptive approach, you risk seeing your competitors outperform you, losing valuable market share and missing vital growth opportunities. offers you the expertise necessary to avoid these pitfalls, ensuring an upward trajectory for your brand.

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Lead as a Strategist.

With, transform your business with a strategy that not only meets your current needs but also anticipates future trends. We offer you a clear roadmap for growth, innovation and sustainable competitive advantage.


Embrace the opportunity to define the future of your brand with tailored solutions that ensure measurable results and constant evolution towards excellence.

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Turn your vision into reality, without delay.

Embrace change and together let's shape the foundations of a dominant brand in its market.

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